Saturday, February 19, 2011

He didn't want money

That was a first. A guy walked up to me yesterday at MacDonald's. I go there to get a cup of coffee when I am driving. When a young guy approaches you, it is usually for money. He was a young guy about 25 or so. He had "meandering" tattoos which is usually a sign of prison rather than the artsy tattoo parlors on O Street. I was all set for the money hit.

"Hey, are you driving that van outside?" he asked. I was. "There is a sign on it that says you need drivers. Is that true?" he asked. It was. "Well, I am living under a bridge and I need a job. I have a wife a two kids."

They were sitting at a nearby table sharing some fries. We are talking little kids here. One was a baby. I asked him if he knew about the Peoples City Mission a couple of blocks away. He did. The wife and the two kids were staying there but he was banned when he was twenty. So much for forgiveness, huh. He is doing time under a bridge in Nebraska. Thank God the winter is mostly gone.

They key point here is the guy didn't ask me for money. He asked me for a job.  I called my boss and put them on the phone together. Maybe they can work something out.

He didn't have a phone. So many people worry that they don't have the latest iPhone and here is a guy, under a bridge in Nebraska, in winter, without as much as a signal.

Clearly, this kid messed up big time when he was a younger boy but now the man is trying to find a way out for his family. I hope my company gives him a chance. The driving job is not the greatest of jobs but hopefully he will get his chance. There are so many people out there trying to go the scam route that I really took notice of this kid. And his worried wife. And the two little kids.

Can you imagine?