Sunday, March 15, 2009

941 Freedom Day-01/15/2010

They were called Minutemen. They were simple farmers and shopkeepers who were trying to live in peace and freedom in our nation's early history. But, the government at the time pushed them too far. They taxed them too much. They restricted their freedom. One named Patrick Henry said..."give me liberty or give me death."
That was the kind of passion that created this country. Not only did they have passion, those simple farmers and shopkeepers backed up their passion by putting down their rakes and brooms and picking up their muskets. They took on the best and biggest army in the world and they won. The prize was the free country that has been handed down to us.
What have we done with that prize? We spend our days pointing fingers at each other. We elect people and put them into powerful positions where they expect to be treated better than the rest of us. They pass laws which reward the incompetent with billions of dollars of our money instead of dozens of years in prison. Not only have they ruined the retirement plans of millions of our elderly by destroying the free market economy, they are destroying the future of Americans yet to be born.
What would those brave Minutemen think of us? What would they say? Would they praise the way we take such abuse from a new type of ruling class who lives above us all in Washington? Would they call us cowards like our new Attorney General did? Would they tell us to rise up?
No, I am not advocating a violent overthrow of the the federal government but I do think it is time to get their attention. But how? They already have our money. We live in fear of April 15 and the IRS audit. Our elected officials can give grand speeches but they do nothing because they know we can't do anything. Or can we?
It's early spring in Nebraska. I am grateful for that because I have spent the winter living in my car. And on those coldest of nights, when sleep was almost impossible, an idea kept coming back to me. How can we get Washington's attention. How can we stop this spending madness and corruption? The answer is 941 Freedom Day.
Any small business person knows, a 941 is a quarterly tax form that the business owner is required to fill out which details and employee's wages and deductions. A check for those deductions has to be sent to the IRS along with the report. That's how the government gets our money. That is the critical link.
What if, in a massive display of civil disobedience, small business owners stopped filling out that form and stopped collecting taxes for the federal government. What if January 15, 2010 became 941 Freedom Day?
What would be the purpose of 941 Freedom Day? We have five demands:
1. By election day in November 2009, the congress and the senate must pass legislation that:
Eliminates the Internal Revenue Service
Eliminates the Tax Code
Offer the voters a choice of two new means of federal taxation not based on current methods. The plan that receives most votes, becomes the new means of collecting government revenue AND it goes into effect on January 1, 2010. No ifs. No ands. No buts.
2. The congress and the senate must pass legislation that restricts the terms of committee chairmen to a term no longer than the current term of the body. Let's get new blood into old chairs and clean up corruption. That also includes the Speaker of the House.
3. The congress and the senate must pass legislation that makes it illegal to buy political candidate advertising in the private media for senate and congressional races. Those candidates will have an equal amount of time given to them on two or three specific dates to offer their ideas live on public television. That will eliminate their need to spend so much time raising money and put them back to work doing the people's business instead of being perfect targets for bribes.
4. No more earmarks. If the ideas is good enough to stand the light of public scrutiny, let the bill be introduced by itself.
5. The Congressperson or Senator must sign off that they have read any proposed bill-not just their staffers-before they can vote on a bill. That bill must also be put online for a period of three days so the public can read it.
It's time to let the congress know their games are done. It's time to let the congress know that a new breed of Minuteman is alive and well and ready to act.
Here's what we would like you to do:
On April 15, send your representatives and senators a hand written postcard that simply says:
I Support 941 Freedom Day. January 15, 2010.
On October 15, send another one.
Send this email to every small business owner you know. If you don't know their email address, drop off a printed copy.
There are no lists to sign up for so their will be no "enemies list" threat for you to worry about. There are no dues or fees to pay.
If the congress does nothing and if no bills are passed or no new tax measure are scheduled for the November election, AND if you are a small business owner, simply stop filling out the 941 form and stop collecting tax payments. If only 10% of you take that action, it will cripple the IRS. This action is no different than the Civil Rights Marches of the 1960s.
941 Freedom Day
January 15, 2010
Are you one of the new American Minutemen?

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