Sunday, November 1, 2009

How to change the country

Clearly, something has to change. But what?

You hear the Republican drum beating all day long. You hear the Conservative message all day long. You hear Lou Dobbs pushing the Independent message. But will any of these groups really change anything?

I doubt it. Once people get elected and go "there" they change. They learn how to speak a different language other than understandable, clear, English. They fall in love with TV cameras. They look for ways to steal the spotlight and if that doesn't work, they pack good bills with bad spending and name buildings and roads after themselves to remind you how great they are.

They work their way into committee positions that they think are lifetime appointments. That's the heart of Greedyville.  Committees. That's the heart of power. It doesn't matter what party you were in back home, if you are the chairman of a powerful committee you're in. Sometimes, you're in until the eventual scandal of power is going to be too much and the rest of your "friends" will have to turn you out. (Don't expect the Attorney General to do it. He is part of the team that got you there in the first place.)

The people can't do anything about those powerful committee chairmen other than vote them out. But, if this day of the 50/50 split in the electorate, that's a tough order. Plus, powerful men generate mega pork.

So what has to be done?

How about term limiting committee positions? How about a new rule that will only permit people to serve on the same committee for no longer than two terms? That would get fresh ideas in there at the least and get corruption out of there at the most.

Let's term limit committee chairmanships. Maybe that will work while we wait for the political parties to rise to the values of the people who started this country.

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