Wednesday, February 6, 2013

How to negotiate-a high school course

From the title, you might think I am suggesting we teach high school kids how to buy a used car. True, the skill could be used that way but that is not what I have in mind.

Maybe we can teach kids how to negotiate with other kids so they can solve problems in a civil manner and not pick up a gun and kill someone. That seems to be the only problem-solving option today and that quick draw reaction is at the heart of our problem.

I will admit my bias about gun control. I an a pro gun guy and once worked for Remington Arms Company. I am not way right, however. I could support expanding background checks to include gun show sales. I would support an expansion of the database to include people who have mental issues. I do support making all gun crimes, federal crimes with strong federal prosecution and mandatory 10/20/life sentences--10 years if you are caught with an unlicensed guy; 20 years if you use an unlicensed gun to commit a crime; life if you hurt or kill someone. No plea bargaining.  All of those solutions may reduce gun violence but won't get at the heart of the problem.

Schools breed hate and starts kids down the path to violence. The school is also the place where we need to teach kids how to negotiate better solutions to problems that don't involve killing someone.

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