Thursday, February 7, 2013

Your Fair Share

Whether we like it or not, it's a fact that more Americans than originally targeted are now paying their "fair share." (For folks on other planets, that is also known as "taxing the rich.") The long fingers of government are reaching deeper into everyone's pocketbooks for more money in the form of increased payroll taxes and you can be sure those itchy fingers won't stop there. President Obama has already hinted that is going to happen.

Maybe government's reach should exceed government's current grasp. Maybe there is a way to restore America's work ethic, get wandering gangs off the streets and thereby reduce crime, and save taxpayer money that doesn't need to be spent in the first place.

The idea is an old New Deal idea and is part of the proud Democrat history. It's the WPA (Works Progress Administration and the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corp.) It was a way to put the unemployed back to work paying their fair share.

Those programs produced things like Hoover Dam and the National Park System. Just think what a huge available labor force could do at Sandy Hook? Just think what a huge available labor force could do when a tornado tears a community apart? Just think what a huge labor force could do when a blizzard drops two feet of snow on a community? Just think what mentors teaching English could do at the community centers?

There were voices who called this idea "forced labor camps" and "concentration camps." Ask anyone who just worked their butt off to build a business what losing almost sixty cents on the dollar is? Let's get real here. Let's get fair. Let's make fair share, fair share.

Let's do the CCC and the WPA again. There is plenty of work to be done and we have plenty of people sitting at home collecting years of unemployment compensation who could help.

If it is now "fair" for the government to use class warfare to justify collecting higher taxes from the "rich," it should also be "fair" to expect people who are getting paid by society for not working to work. The other option is to go to school and get more education to get a better job when you are on unemployment. Your choice.

What about the people who can't work? Another Democrat idea can help out. It's the draft board. The same ratings could be used. Unemployed workers could be classified according to the same classes used during the 1960's. 1-A you work or go to school or your don't get any unemployment. 2-S you are going to school and get unemployment. 4-F you physically can't go to work and you should be on disability. There would be no more forms where you check a box that says you applied for two jobs and nobody really checks to see if you did. If you are 1-A, you take a job or do your fair share to help society. Period.

It's time to take some tough action to get this country on its feet again .It's time to replace entitlement thinking with a good work ethic. After all, why should only some in our society pay their fair share while others get paid to sit at home when there is plenty of work to be done?

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